What do you think of Bradley being re-signed?

Bob Bradley 1 (HowardCSmithISI)

Photo by Howard C. Smith/ISIphotos.com

The news of Bob Bradley's contract extension came as a bit of a surprise on Monday, but now that folks have had a chance to let it sink in, it's time to see what you really think of the decision.

Not happy with the new contract for Bradley? Were you hoping for Juergen Klinsmann? Are you glad Bradley is sticking around? Cast your vote here:

poll by twiigs.com

What's my take on the decision? You can read it here at FoxSoccer.com. In short, I think the decision to re-sign Bradley was a good one. You can choose to disagree, but that's how I see it.

Now that you've had some time to think about the decision, which way did you vote? Think it was the right move, or do you consider it a mistake?

Share your thoughts below.

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