IPods now Blamed for the Downfall of English Football

Added August 24th, 2010 by Ian SOCCER A lot of things have been blamed for ruining football in England, but the last might come as a bit of a surprise as Stoke City striker Dave Kitson has recently come out and stated that iPods are one of the chief disruptions in the game today. The reason is because too many players are listening to tunes when they could and perhaps should be interacting with their teammates and/or coaches.Kitson actually makes a good point here. Its somewhat odd to see grown men walking around with wires sticking out of their ears all day long no matter what theyre doing. It just goes to show what the world has come to over the years.
However, I dont really understand what Kitson meant when he said that iPods were making players miserable before games and they were ruining moral. Just what the hell are the guys listening to anyway? He added that teammates should spend the time before games bonding.Kitson was pretty strong in his opinion as he said iPods are one of the worst antisocial devices to ever work their way into a dressing room as players should be getting pumped up for matches by listening to the same music together, not individually. So, perhaps this was the reason England was rubbish in this summers World Cup?Kitsons also right when he says music can be use as an excellent tool to motivate people and it shouldnt really be used as a way to relax before a match as footballs a physical sport, not a way to mellow out.At least one other person agrees with the player as England manager Fabio Capello has put a ban on players using mobile phones and iPods when theyre supposed to be involved in team functions and phones. Some other countries, such as Ghana, go the opposite way when it comes to music and bonding as they can often be seen belting out the songs together on the teams! bus.
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